I'm crushed into Teddy Ruxpin's collection vortex a couple of years ago, but Teddy was a dream when I was a child. A "too old" child for Teddy (I was 8 in 1985), allowing parents' idea. Only now I've finally making happy my interior child, buying Teddy, Grubby, a lot of accessories, all 13 italian tapes & books (except the first, The Airship, I've only the book for it). I've also "digitized" my Teddy (with a cassette car adapter and an mp3 player) for preserving the original tapes and motor of Teddy, and works fine. I'm searching other mp3s (and pdf too) but isn't so easy. Some of them are on archive.org (I know someone in this forum uploaded there, thanks), all Italian are on ilmondoditeddyruxpin.it, but I can't find the others.

I hope it will be a great new year to everybody... if someone can help me, it would be really appreciated :3
This is my sheet music transcription of "My myself and I" from "Quiet please" tape

https://mega.nz/file/Ig0VnTCJ#ccXNhgQN5 ... hXl6eDwY-w