
The epic 65-episode animated series that aired from 1987 - 1988!
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Post by AutisticIlliop » Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:19 am

Alright, as previously mentioned, both the Roku Channel and Kiddoodle have the Aventures of Tdddy Ruxpin available for free to watch,so last night i stayed up til 1 am watching teddy ruxpin It wass around ten when I started so many I missed soemthign cuase it was late,but Im confused a bit, so in the episode after they escaped the mudblups with prine arron, teh y meet he wooly whatsit and he directs tehm trhough the forest to the wizard and they meet the grunges arron accidentally ingests some of the soup an turns into a giant evil monter thing hat i want to know is, why is it int eh next episode, they meet wooly all over again and go directly to the wizzard? also wahts with woolys spots?I watched the show once bfore ages ago, but I never noticed the inconsistance then so.....Also sidenote I kinda want a giant tedddy now accidentally eats the gumbo giant mosnter teddy for some reason

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Re: Question

Post by vilicles » Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:25 pm

This is how the episodes were uploaded. It's most likely that the masters of the Hi-Tops VHS edits were used as the basis for these uploads. In those versions, Wooly is introduced and then it cuts to Episode 4. Then they released Episode 3 separately and kept Wooly's introduction. Unfortunately, no one bothered to check this when the episodes were uploaded.
Vincent Conroy
Grundo Gazette, LLC

"The important thing would be the people we would meet and the things we would discover along the way."

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Re: Question

Post by Bognostrocleetus » Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:00 pm

I think it would make more sense if you thought about them as different VHS tapes. It's a recap.
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Re: Question

Post by AutisticIlliop » Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:35 pm

o okay that lear shting sup

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